What happened to May?

Totally missed an update during May, my apologies! Got so busy with promoting the album, so many birthdays including my own, organising major events and my trip to Singapore! It was totally just a birthday holiday and I had a fabulous time!

Now it’s back to the grindstone of shows, teaching and more endless self promotion LOL. ‘Making Memories’ the album is slowly gaining traction with more radio stations downloading and adding the song to their playlist. Thank you radio presenters!

I will be booking a 2nd listener party on Bandcamp and will put that up as soon as confirmed. Watch out too for more radio interviews as they come up and others you can stream on demand. One with 2TM in Tamworth is coming up, also Radio Northern Beaches. Will post those links when I have them!

Live shows have slowed a little due to football season and winter, but there are still a steady flow between solo, duo and band dates. Hope to see you at one real soon!

Till next month, stay well and thanks for your support.

Cheers, Merilyn.

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