Countdown to Release!
Less than 2 weeks until my new single “Merry Christmas Anyway” is released! However, if you subscribe to my mailing list you will have exclusive access on Nov 7 along with media and radio. You will also receive a free song from my catalogue as thanks!
General public release date is Nov 14 and I can’t wait for it to be out there!
It’s a happy, upbeat song that paints the picture of what might be a typical Christmas for many.
The song takes you on a visual journey of the Christmas experience starting from the preparation of putting up the decorations, the shopping, right up to the magic of the day.
It also sends a message that says no matter what you believe or don’t believe regarding Christmas, just get together with family and friends and enjoy each other’s company.
Warning…It has a very catchy melodic hook that will get in your head!
Hoping for your support with this debut festive song, Mariah Carey has dominated the holiday charts far too long! 🙂