Bands, bands, bands
Welcome to spring at last! I’m hoping that the live scene will start picking up as the warmer weather comes on.
Meanwhile, there’s lots of band action lately! My long time band of 10 years known as the Merilyn Steele Band has now been re-branded to ‘Retro Idols’!! It better reflects the type of music we are doing now and I think it generates an instant image. Our first gig under the new name will be at Mortdale RSL on Friday the 11th October. I hope you can come along for our debut show!
We will also be performing at Ramsgate RSL for the first time in December. Check out the Gig Guide for all the dates and details.
I have also been recently asked to become the new member of a long established rock and roll band ‘The Pink Chevy’s”, replacing the singer/guitarist who has now left. Lots of dates coming up with them including New Years Eve.
Till next month, keep well and get out there and see some live music!